I am an activist who has talked to many, many people and have listened to their stories, wants, and needs. Now I am going to form a company that will end world suffering. Godsent me!
This is the day she was born. Still covered in womb liquid. The woman in the picture behind me is the lady who took me in with hardly any money and let me have my baby in her home. This is just the beginning of my story.
I know how to do almost anything. I can teach others everything I know and we are going to end world suffering. Why would you want to do anything else? Watch me paint my body and show you how easy it really is. I am learning to play guitar freelance style and in an upcoming video I will record myself and show you what I have come up with next.
I want a place where people can bring me there unwanted things including pets and family members so that I can take care of the people all over the earth. I want a place where I can live and cook for the people and they can come and live with me. I want a place where homeless people can come in and sleep and be healed. I want an apartment complex in downtown Austin donated to God's Helping Hand Mysteries EIN Tax# 80-0547533
I am a federally legalized non-profit 501c(3) corporation. I am the sole organizer of a Texas private non profit company called God's Helping Hand Mysteries born through a vision from God to make life fair for everyone all over existence. I have an Annie Oakley spirit that is Little Miss Sure Shot and ready to ride for God to end world suffering.
As a sole organizer no one tell me what to do. NO ONE!!! I rely on NO ONE to get anything done for me as I do it myself and if people want to help that is great but don't think you can come into my experience and think that you will have any say in who I help with my business. If you don't like the way I run my business then don't help. By all means start your own but don't preach to me about how to do something you are not doing yourself!
I did this all by myself and NO ONE is going to tell me how to run it. I don't care if you want to criticize me about not listening to you and how you think things ought to be done and that if I don't listen to your precious opinion then I don't care. YOU ARE RIGHT that I don't care about your opinion. I don't have time to stand around arguing with you and your negative opinion about who you think I should or shouldn't help. It's not up for debate with anyone.
I will help everyone including the DEVIL whom I love dearly! Stop the next insult thrown at me by then saying I'm a devil worshiper because your only coming out of having been religionized.
I am not a Devil Worshiper; I am married to God; I am God's WIFE! As God's wife I am mother to all. All my children get fed and loved the same. We created the prodigals and the jealous brothers. I will love the evil and the good by providing all the basic necessities of life in a loving way equally across the board. Then good and evil can mesh and be no more.